This tutorial will guide you through creating a web client that can interact with a Daily Bot. We’ll cover setting up a server endpoint to initiate a bot session, and creating a client that can send and receive voice.

What You’ll Need

  1. A Daily Bots account and API key. Sign up here. Note: If you are an existing Daily customer, you will still need to create a Daily Bots account. Existing Daily API keys do not support Daily Bot deployments.

  2. npm or yarn installed on your local system. This tutorial will use yarn syntax.

  3. We’ll use Typescript for this tutorial, but you can use Javascript if you prefer (we’ll include examples for both.)

What We’ll Cover

  • Project creation
  • Required project dependencies
  • Server endpoint setup
  • Client setup
  • Dial-in

Prefer to Look at Some Code?

If you’d prefer to jump straight to the code, a quickstart template project can be found here.