Get recording access link
Creates and returns a recording access link
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
The ID of the recording to get access link for
Query Parameters
Number of seconds the link will remain valid for. Defaults to 3600 (one hour). Due to STS Token validity constraints, recording links can be valid for a maximum of 12 hours and a minimum of 15 minutes for recordings stored in customer buckets.
900 < x < 43200
For files stored in a custom S3 bucket, controls the Content-Disposition header. When true, sets to 'inline' allowing direct browser playback. When false, sets to 'attachment' forcing download. For files in Daily's S3 bucket, this parameter is ignored and Content-Disposition is always set to 'attachment'.
A cryptographically signed, time-limited, direct link to the .mp4 recording file. Note: In certain error conditions (e.g., when domain properties prevent access to recordings), this field may contain an error string rather than a URL.
Unix timestamp after which the download_link will no longer work